Jane Austin’s Bath and a Look at Lacock

Jane Austin’s Bath and a Look at Lacock

Historic Bath, England was only a short bus ride away from my house sit in Corsham, so I took a day after my house hosts returned to explore. The main attraction, ancient Roman baths, are accessible via self-tour with an informative audio guide, and definitely worth a visit! Wandering through the Roman Temple, Bath House, and Sacred Spring, surrounded by the smell of sulphur, hot water bubbled up in green pools, as it did in ancient times, from...

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Going to Galway & Mystical Newgrange

Going to Galway & Mystical Newgrange

Galway, a fair-sized harbor city on the west coast of Ireland, boasts the usual castle, cathedral, and old town square, but my favorite spot was in the winding lanes of the Latin Quarter, amidst portions of medieval walls, where a vibrant Irish music scene lives in the pubs as well as out on the streets. Galway is also home of the original makers of the famous Claddagh Ring, two hands holding a heart with a crown, symbolizing friendship, love,...

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Matchmaking and the Art of Perfume & Chocolate

Matchmaking and the Art of Perfume & Chocolate

Lisdoonvarna is the matchmaking capitol of Ireland, and I just happened to be passing through during their annual festival. Even though I wasn’t looking to get matched, I admit I was curious, and have to say it’s hilarious! The town is studded with signs about matchmaking, along with hearts and cupids. A friendly old chap stopped to ask me if I’m here to get matched. When I told him no, he asked, “Have any of the old...

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Killarney, Town & Country

Killarney, Town & Country

The scenic route from Kenmare to Killarney includes winding roads through the Killarney National Park, as well as rain and sun and rain again, mist and clouds, green green hills, and even greener moss, soft as a blanket. The lakes you pass are worth a stop. I could have stayed and gazed at the views for days. For a break from the car, I took a long hike to Torc waterfall, and spent a couple of hours on a rocky, muddy trail, up and down, mostly...

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