How to Surf a Couch

How to Surf a Couch

What is Couchsurfing? Many people have asked me, “What’s couchsurfing?” so I thought I’d give a brief explanation for those of you who want to travel, but think it’s too expensive. There really is a couchsurfing website, and you can join for free, or for $25, get verified, which means potential hosts or visitors can rest assured you are who you say you are. You create a profile, much like with Facebook, and include a little info about yourself,...

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Traveling on the Cheap

Traveling on the Cheap

How can anyone afford to travel long term if they’re not rich? One way is to not have a house or apartment. There are many reasons traveling can be cheaper than having a home, here are nine:

1. You’re not tempted to buy “things” because you have no place to put them other than on your back, and your backpack is probably already full.

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