Ready to go? Not Quite…

Posted by on November 20, 2014 in Advice + Tips | 0 comments


You’ve bought your plane ticket and packed your bag, and you’re ready to go! But wait…it seems like every time you cross one thing off of your to-do list, you add 3 more.

Things like research and buy traveler’s insurance, as apparently most US insurance doesn’t cover you when you’re out of the country. You need to figure out where your mail is going to go, where your car (if you keep one) will be stored, how it needs to be insured, and what to do with all of your other stuff that you’re not taking with you (which for me isn’t much, as I sold almost everything). Rethink what you’ve packed as your bag is way too heavy (I must have read 2 dozen different traveler’s lists of what to bring – “Do NOT bring jeans!” or “Of course, bring at least one pair of jeans!”), and research where all to go, if yours is a long-term journey (how many countries are there?!)

And then there’s the question of electronics – you could fill up suitcases with all of the gear you’ve grown dependent on! Tablets and computers, phones and e-book readers and cameras, and why is it that each one requires a different charger? Smart phones are amazing – you can email and Skype and Facebook and blog and write notes and take photos (I have over 10,000 pics on my phone already) on something that will fit in your pocket! Talk about making travel easier. Unless you drop it or lose it …

Accommodations are another time sucker, but a worthwhile investment, if you plan to couch surf or house sit or use hostels. There are memberships to join, profiles to write, references to get. There is shopping for all of those little things you think you might need (that you can probably get anywhere you go, but just in case…), letting your bank know where you’re going so they don’t cut off your credit card, canceling your phone service, making sure your passport is up to date, checking on visas & vaccinations, and filling prescriptions.

And of course, all of those goodbyes…


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