A Day in My Life in the Rainforest

Posted by on December 4, 2014 in A Day in My Life, Australia, rainforest | 3 comments

Woke to a symphony of birds calling thru my open window, then the gentle whoosh of a brief rainfall (they call this the rainforest for a reason). Lindsey called me out on the deck to see three big white cockatoos in the tree, amazing! I’ve only ever seen them in captivity. A pair of Rainbow Lorikeets swooped by and a tiny yellow sunbird landed on a branch right in front of me. Tried to take photos but they were much too fast.

We headed up the coast along stunning views of crystal blue turquoise water punctuated by golden crescents of sand and lush green vegetation, plus an almost cloudless blue sky, apparently unusual for rainy season in the rainforest. No complaints here!!


Saw the Great Dividing Range of mountains, the tiny town of Mossman, and resort of Port Townsend, filming location for Pirates of the Caribbean (no Johnny Depp sighting though). White ghost gums climbed the hillside, and train cars of sugar cane mulch lined the road. As I stood near the tracks to take a shot, the conductor blasted his horn to make me jump and got his laugh for the day. Needless to say, my shot was a little askew…




Stopped at Lenore’s friend Jennifer’s luxury resort apartment for a swim in their gorgeous turquoise serpentine pool where the water was as warm as a bath. Passed wild wallabies grazing by the roadside and at the fish shop on the way home, saw crustaceans entirely new to me, although they were on ice & I’d rather see them while snorkeling!


Took the dogs for a neighborhood walk, past a house dressed in neon Christmas lights, with a blow up Santa in shades & Hawaiian shirt holding his surf board – no sleigh in this climate!! And met a young couple who showed us their garden of eatin’ – pineapples, kaffir limes, and all manner of exotic fruits & flowers, including bat flowers & snake plants.


Dined again on the patio by candlelight, Lenore’s delicious version of fish & chips, with gold band snapper & fries made from sweet potato, salad sprinkled with zest from the neighbors’ kaffir lime & dessert of baked apples with ginger.

It’s such a great experience staying with locals – great conversations about cultural differences including language & politics, but there are even more similarities than differences. Girl talk is a lot the same wherever you go, especially about kids & men.

Going to sleep happy, waking up happy, feeling like I’m where I’m meant to be.



  1. It sure sounds like your journey is off to a fabulous start! I am loving the photos! May God continue to bless you and keep you safe.

  2. Hi Lynn! I always think when I’m traveling that the characters language & backdrop are very different yet the story (for us all) really is the same. Blessings to your soul from mine:)

  3. I am so glad to hear you are being cared for and having a good time…tell your new friends that your old friends say “Thank you!”

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